W.A. Pfretzschner Violin early 1900's
This W.A. Pfretzschner has the sound you are looking for! It is in wonderful condition while surprisingly open. Made in Markneukirchen in the early 1900's.
Within the hierarchy of the Pfretzschner bowmaking family, Wilhelm August Pfretzschner (1871-1939), stands out for his unusually careful and meticulous work in which he sacrificed quantity for quality in that he maintained a very high and consistent standard in his work, but produced fewer bows.
What is not always understood or appreciated is that both the two most important Pfretzschner bow makers have their roots deep in the French bow making traditions, rather than in German styles. (Notably, H. R. Pfretzschner (1856-1921) - the most prolific and respected maker of that family - was the last pupil of J-B Vuillaume in Paris and he styled most of what he did on what he learnt from the French makers.)
Following closely is the maker of this bow, Wilhelm August Pfretzschner. In workmanship this maker rivalled the more illustrious H. R. Pfretzschner, whose prolific output could not easily be equalled in quantity, yet it appears that W. A Pfretzschner's meticulous attention to detail and quality took first place in his preoccupation over quantity. This puts his work on a par with that of his more famous namesake.
It appears that W. A. Pfretzschner understood the French formula for an amalgam of suppleness and lightness combined with just the right firmness to allow for good control - all combined into marvelous balance, response and articulation. And this French influence is immediately apparent to anyone who picks up one of his bows and starts playing with it. With these Pfretzschners the player draws the sound from the instrument, rather than pushing it out, as one is inclined to do with too hard or heavy a stick.