Andrew Hyde Violin 1893
Andrew Hyde, the maker of this violin was Thomas Edison's assistant. Unique edges and a 4 piece top with 1 piece back. This instrument makes a great fiddle and has a nice low end. This instrument has been hanging in our shop for years, we have recently decided to sell it.
"...the cost of a good new violin is not unreasonable in comparison with that of many a dirty looking dilapidated old tub that for sanitary reasons, if no other should have been buried years ago. How disgusting to see a beautiful and fastidious lady violinist hugging to her breast one of these filthy relics of a past age. It is horrible to think where it has been the past two centuries. Who has used it, and where? Who can tell its story? Held under the chin, breathed into, saturated with the sweat, filth and odor of cripples and tramps, street and gutter musicians that have perhaps used it for centuries. Played in dens, dives and brothels. A receptacle for foul and malignant diseases, rotting with accumulated grime and poisonous moisture, a hideous thing indeed to contemplate." -Andrew Hyde